Home Rebounders Fit Bounce Pro 2 Review

Fit Bounce Pro 2 Review


Pssst. If you haven’t heard, using a rebounder has some pretty major health benefits, as well as being great for your cardio, fitness and strength. In this guide, we’re doing a review of one of the more popular and up-market home trampolines, the Fit Bounce Pro 2.

We’ll cover what it is, what it does best and where it could be improved.

Time To Bounce: What is the Fit Bounce Pro 2?

The Fit Bounce Pro 2 is a bungee-sprung mini-trampoline (or, rebounder) that’s designed for home use. It’s from UK Brand MaXimus Life Ltd and you can pick one up on Amazon UK.

You’re getting a great (and fun!) way to exercise, from a relatively small footprint. It’s made from high-grade steel which has a lifetime guarantee and the 60 bungee connectors secure the mat firmly (double the average mini-trampoline connectors.)

The matt – your jump area – has a 57cm diameter.

Fit Bounce 2 Review
The Fit Bounce Pro 2 is a portable mini trampoline you can use at home

As with a lot of the mini-tramps we’ve seen, the Fit Bounce doesn’t have to be left set up and can be folded in half.

With the legs tucking in to make storage easier. It spans 71cms (28 inches) in diameter so as long as you’ve got that space somewhere in your home, that’s all you need. (Although some clearance around the edges is a good idea, especially if you want to do the full range of exercises.

Silent bouncing?

If low-noise is one of the things on your gym gear wish list, you’ll be happy to know the Fit Bounce is one of the more quiet bouncers out there, mainly due to its bungee suspension as opposed to creaky springs. So it’s good for those sharing a living space, or just anyone who wants to train in peace.

Rebounding offers a low-impact aerobic exercise that’s not just a nutty fad (more on the science in a bit…) You can burn a lot of calories health and fitness benefits that rivals jogging in calorie burning.

Some good extras in the box

The Fit Bounce has great add-ins such as a bounce counter (think step counter for jumping) to track your activity, instructional DVDs and a three-month rebounding video membership. It will work fine with resistance bands, although you’ll have to buy those separately.

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Feature overview

  • The jumping matt is connected with 60 bungees
  • Legs collapse inwards for storage
  • Half-fold design
  • Dimensions: 71cms (28 inches)
  • Comes with 2 x spare bungees
  • Lifetime warranty on frame
  • 3-year warranty on mat
  • Free rebound exercise DVD
  • High-grade steel construction
  • Bounce counter included
  • 3-month rebounding video membership
  • Includes carrier bag
  • Optional stability bar

Fit Bounce 2 Video Review

What you’ll get training on this mini-trampoline

NASA Studies Show Rebounding is Better Exercise than Jogging

There’s been a good bit of research done into the effects of using a mini trampoline like the Bonce 2 to see how effective it is at losing weight, burning calories etc. NASA did a famous study that showed that the amount of biochemical stimuli is greater in jumping on a trampoline than running with greater oxygen intake and less demand on the heart rate.

The physical action of rebounding also improves your balance, coordination and motor skills. The motion of rebounding targets your whole body, unlike home exercises such as treadmills and stationary bikes and engages your:

  • Back
  • Core
  • Legs
  • Glutes
  • Arms
  • Neck

Bounding your way to a better body and better health

The Fit Bounce Pro 2 provides an excellent calorie burn, with twenty minutes of vigorous rebounding equalling the calorie consumption of a 20 minute run at 10 km/h. A study at the University of Michigan found that a 150lbs person burns 71 calories jogging and 82 calories on a trampoline for the same time frame.

Rebounding burns an average of 210 calories in just 30 minutes of activity, making it an effective low-impact alternative with the same benefits of running.

Rebounding Provides Excellent Health Benefits

The Lymphatic system does not have it’s own ‘pump’, so to speak, so it’s up to us to keep things moving. One of the best ways to do this is with a good bounce!

Boy Bouncing on Fit Bounce Pro 2
The Fit Bounce is safe for everyone to use, although you might have trouble getting it all to yourself.

Along with the benefit of aerobic activity to your cardiovascular health, rebounding offers some added advantages. A huge one is that it targets your lymphatic system, which maintains your body’s fluid levels and filters out toxins. The Lymphatic system does not have its own ‘pump’, so to speak, so it’s up to us to keep things moving. One of the best ways to do this is with a good bounce!

Trampolining on rebounders such as the Fit Bounce II increases your lymph flow by up to 30 times due to gravitational forces. Improved lymphatic functioning improves your immune system.

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Who will get the most from the Fit Bounce?

It’s good for any age group

The Fit Bounce Pro is suitable for any age or fitness level (kids up to nanas!). It’s easy to use and safe. The protective frill around the jumping matt gives you feedback so you won’t stray off the matt (which is hard to do anyway). You can go for an easy-going sort of workout or, if you’re up for it, an equally HARD one.

Man on fit Bounce
The Fit Bounce 2 is tougher than you might think and provides support for users up to 140kg

If you need to keep that noise down

The silent bounce technology makes the Fit Bounce Pro II ideal for multiple occupant homes and does not consume electricity, so it is kind to the environment. There is no lengthy setup and installation or complex changes between users, which makes exercise easy.

If you can’t use other forms of exercise, like treadmills and rowers

Rebounding provides a low-impact cardio exercise that delivers the same calorie burn as other more costly exercise equipment. The Fit Bounce also offers the lymphatic system benefits not found in actions on treadmills, stationary bikes and ellipticals.

Who won’t like this?

The Fit Bounce Pro II will not suit users over 140kgs (308lbs) due to manufacturer specifications. The trampoline’s nature is not suited to those with poor balance, but there is an option to purchase a stability bar for those who are balance compromised.

What kind of exercises can you do on the Fit Bounce?

So you’ve got your mini trampoline all set up. Now what? It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out you can just go at it ‘kid-on-a-bouncy-castle’ style, but there’s a lot more to a mini-trampoline than that. If you want to get the most out of your time with your rebounder and not get bored of bouncing, there’s a lot of exercises you can do with your Fit Bounce.

Here’s some of the popular exercises you can do on the Bounce 2 pro

  • Jumping jacks
  • Side to side jumps
  • Squats
  • Inlined Push-ups
  • Declines push-ups
  • Sit-ups and crunches
  • Body twists
  • Holding positions (very hard to do on a rebounder!)
  • Asymmetric squats (one leg on the trampoline, one leg off)
  • Step-ups
  • Strides
  • Knees-up running on the spot
  • Bouncing plank
  • A lot more…
Fit Bounce Pro Exercises
If you’re getting a Fit Bounce, it’s worth spending time learning all the possible exercises.

Not just your legs

The good thing about the Fit Bounce 2 and other rebounders is that you’re not just working on your bum and thighs. You can work everything from back muscles to core and (with a bit of creativity) your core. And one of the main things with the Fit Bounce is how you use your arms.

Most of the ‘proper’ exercises will have you swinging or moving your arms in a way that will increase your heart rate and work more of your body at the same time.

How do you learn the different exercises?

You get a DVD with the Fit Bounce that takes you through the basics, but there’s also a huge selection of good rebounder workouts on Youtube. After a while, you’ll learn the different moves and can make up your own routines too.

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REVIEW: What We liked About the Fit Bounce Pro 2

The bungee system is tough and provides a lot of bounce

The first thing that I really like about the Fit Bounce is that it doesn’t use any springs. Instead, they’ve opted for some industrial strength interwoven bungees that span the edge of the trampoline. There’s a couple of pluses to this. For one, they’re more silent. Secondly, you don’t have to worry about putting a foot out of place as the bungees are very forgiving in that regard.

The Fit Bounce uses a series of bungees
The Fit Bounce uses a series of bungees to provide the bounce, which keep the noise down and are safe

It folds down to a fairly compact size

Although the folded dimensions of the Fit Bounce are slightly larger than the Maximus Pro rebounder, you can’t really complain compared to other gym gear. Folding is a quick job too – once you’re used to it; pull out a couple of locking pins and just fold it over like a giant taco. The legs also fold up towards the matt saving more space.

The kit comes with a neat carry bag which is perfect if you intend to bring your Fit Bounce on vacation or to your office for exercise. Although it’s still a bit on the large side to throw on your back and carry around, it’s not going to take up much space in your car if you’re planning on using it at a clients house, or taking it to the office.

The Fit Bounce only weighs 13kgs and is easy to transport without much fuss.

Fit Bounce being folded
The Fit Bounce Pro folds down by removing two simple locking pins

Very stable to jump on

At the price point of the Fit Bounce Pro 2 (as much as 3x some of the budget models), we’d expected the quality to be a lot better. If you’ve had one of the cheaper rebounders, you’ll find this one feels a bit different. The thick legs and generally better components, especially the bungee system, feels a lot different. It’s very sturdy and solid.

The cords provide a soft yet responsive jumping action. There jumping action is secure and although the circumference is relatively small, it does not make you feel crowded or unstable.

It’s seriously robust

One of the things you can’t tell from looking at pics of different rebounders is whether they’re just toys or the real deal. For a mini-trampoline, the Fit Bounce is a really solid, robust trampoline and the bungees themselves are guaranteed up to 6 months. It’s definitely not the cheapest rebounder we’ve seen but the quality is definitely way better than the budget ones.

It’s fun!

While bouncing isn’t for everyone, it’s hard not to crack a smile when you’re using one. Once you’ve got the hang of the motion (some of us likely haven’t been on a trampoline since school…) you’ll find yourself having fun.

The rebound counter is a nice touch and the ‘Bounce and Burn’ free three-month membership offers streaming exercises for enhanced workouts.

Fit Bounce Pro Bounce Counter
The Fit Bounce comes with a nifty little bounce counter that helps track what you’ve done during your workout.

It’s really quiet

Noise is usually something home gym gear tries to get right, but often fails miserably at. The Fit Bounce does a good job at keeping the noise down and there’s no squeaking of the frame or springy noises you’d normally associate with trampolines. There’s a slight ‘pop’ if you’re going barefoot as your feet leave contact with the surface, but in all this is an oddly silent bit of gym gear. Ideal for using early AM, or while you’re watching TV or listening to music.

We liked the bouncing action and noticed a definite difference in impact in comparison to other exercise equipment. At a similar workout intensity to treadmills or running, the Fit Bounce mat soaks up most of the impact on your joints.

The quiet and impact-free action still delivers a burn (you could hear my heavy breathing after 20 minutes!)

Versatile Workouts

We were pleasantly surprised with the variety of different exercises one can do on the rebounder. It’s not merely a means to bounce up and down but provides several calorie-burning options that target the various muscle groups in the body.

The instructional DVD covers a variety of options that enhance user experience and add variety to your workout.

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Hopping mad: what could have been better?

Can Be Tricky to Fold

I can’t say the folding action was a breeze and it takes a bit of manoeuvring to get the Fit Bounce folded, at least the first few times. The trick is to place your body weight at the appropriate joint points and stabilize the upturned Fit Bounce with a knee in the centre when pulling up the hinge.

There is a bit of fiddling involved and you should ensure that the pull clips are cleared on the sides before you fold the kit. That being said, I did get the hang of it after a couple of tries and it becomes easier once you get used to the system.

The Skirt May Be an Issue

The Fit Bounce has quite a pronounced ‘skirt’ around the jumping area. This is a double-edged sword as it’s a good guide to keep you in the middle, but after a while, it feels extraneous and it would be nice to remove it. Although it’s worth noting it doesn’t interfere with your workout. It seems that the manufacturer could have made a more ‘flush’ system considering the nature of the rebounder.

You can’t adjust the tension on the bungees

A minor niggle but you might have noticed that with some of the more expensive rebounders you can adjust the tension in the bungee or spring (for example the Bellicon). With this rebounder, you’re fixed at a set tension. Having said that, it’s hard to imagine anyone having an issue with this and it keeps things simple.

Verdict: Did the Fit Bounce Pro 2 Leave Us Bouncing For Joy?

The Fit Bounce Pro 2 is a quality product with sturdy reinforced steel construction and provides an enhanced bounce. There is little to no noise and none of the squeaks and rattles so many people complain about with rebounders.

Once you get the hang of the folding system, the kit is highly portable and delivers a variety of home exercises that provide an excellent calorie burn. The Fit Bounce is stable for its size and we believe it to be a quality investment in your health and fitness.

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Fit Bounce Pro 2 Full Specs

MaXimus Life ltdRebound
ModelFir Bounce Pro 2
FoldingYes, folds in half
Included1 x mini trampoline
Storage bag
Bounce counter
Access to online workouts
Self assembly?No
WarrantyLifetime on frame
3-year on mat
6-month on bungee cords
British brand
Bounce area57cm
Dimensions103 x 54 x 15.2 cm
LegsSpring loaded steel legs
Bounce mechanismBungee
Height from ground33cm
Max user weight140kg
Use with resistance bands?Yes

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