Home Home Gym Gear Proform Cardio HIIT (L6 & L14) Trainer Review

Proform Cardio HIIT (L6 & L14) Trainer Review


Cardio HIIT L6 Review

Here’s something quirky.

Proform’s stepper-come-elliptical machine not only looks very different from most of the other gym gear we’ve seen but also targets a specific fitness niche; High-Intensity workouts.

Welcome to our Proform HIIT trainer review. Today we’re taking a deep-dive into the L6 model. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better idea whether this bit of kit is worth your money, or whether you should go for something else.

In hurry? Here’s a quick verdict: Is the Proform HIIT any good?

There are two things the HIIT trainer does incredibly well: 1) Burn calories 2) give you a bloody hard cardio workout in a short space of time. As long as you’re OK with iFit (there’s some interesting content like walking through some pretty scenery in far-off lands) you’ll have something to keep you busy for a long time.

HIIT part won’t be for everyone but as long as you’re looking for a challenge and to commit to some tough, sweaty workouts, this is a serious tool that could make a big difference to your body.

What is the Proform HIIT Trainer?

The HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) Trainer is a vertical workout machine that’s somewhere between an elliptical cross trainer and a stepper machine.

You’ll stand upright on this machine and your feet will be pressing down pedals over a distance of 10″. Unlike most steppers, you’ll also be moving horizontally too. Think more circular and less just up and down.

Meanwhile, like a regular elliptical, you’ll be moving your hands back and forth by pulling and pushing vertical bars while you’re stepping. This alternating motion combined with the stepping aims to work more of your body and burn more calories per minute too.

(There are also static bars to grab if you just want to focus on legs in your workouts).

There’s no screen included but, as this is a Proform machine, one of the main draws of the machine is its compatibility with iFit. The subscription-based service has a host of inventive and inviting online content to explore. You do get a free month to play around with it though.

More on that later…

We’ll cover more about what the workout is like but suffice to say, don’t expect a slow, leisurely session this time around.

Proform HIIT Trainer: Quick Glance Features

Proform HIIT Trainer - Key Features

  • Built-in 7” backlit display
  • 24 resistance levels
  • Supports users of up to 135kg
  • Mp3 connectivity
  • Assembled dimensions of 132 x 74 x 170cm
  • Multi-function handlebars for upper body engagement
  • iFit Bluetooth compatible

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Benefits of Training with the Proform HIIT Trainer

You’ll get a good cardio workout

Having a dedicated machine in your home, garage, or wherever your HIIT Trainer will live is actually a good way to get into the habit of doing your cardio regularly. I like the way you can just jump on this, press a button or two, and get grinding. No messing around with what to do. Just on with the sweaty work.

And you’ll definitely sweat.

Proform’s hybrid stepper elliptical really makes you work for it. Just take it easy and try some of the ‘walks’ on iFit if you’re new. Your thighs will thank you for the next day.

HIIT is definitely an acquired taste but is by far the best way I’ve found to get into a caloric deficit and lose some extra weight. It will also bring your fitness on a lot more than spending hour after hour on the bike.

Speaking of cardio, you can take your pulse here but the hand sensors are only on the static bars. Like any other gym gear, you’re better of using your FitBit, or getting a relatively cheap chest strap for really accurate results.

Proform HIIT Trainer - product

Total Body Exercise

If you’re short on time and looking to get the most bang for your buck out of your workouts, then the Proform HIIT trainer wants to say hello.

The hybrid of upper and lower body movements targets the legs, chest, core, back, and arms all in one go – saving you plenty of time and effort in the process. Technically, you can coast along and ‘cheat’ but I have to say it’s harder to do with this machine!

For busy fitness enthusiasts who find themselves short on time, then the Proform HIIT trainer will be a worthwhile investment.

Progressive Training

The key to long-term success in the fitness realm is progression. It’s no good merely repeating the same workout each day and never pushing your true limits.

The Proform HIIT trainer comes equipped with 32 different workouts to ensure that your training never gets stagnant. Again, this saves the user valuable time and energy and allows them to progress their training with ease.

Who is the Proform HIIT Trainer Aimed At?

Proform HIIT Trainer - Benefits
Proform HIIT Trainer designed to deliver a comprehensive full-body workout

The versatility of the Proform HIIT trainer makes it difficult to encapsulate its target audience.

Whether you’re a total fitness novice or an experienced elite athlete, the Proform HIIT trainer has elements everyone can benefit from.

That being said, Proform has targeted this product primarily at those looking to lose weight and improve their conditioning.

Cardio and endurance are the two main anchors of this product, meaning that those looking to build muscle mass should probably give this product a miss.

Although HIIT workouts can build strength, it is not an effective tool for muscle overload. If you’re looking to get buff, stick with the weights.

What We Liked About the Proform HIIT Trainer

Resistance goes from too-easy to ‘OMG, this is ridiculous!’

With a lot of ellipticals, bikes and other gym machines, there’s often a caveat in our reviews that says something like ‘it might not have enough weight / resistance for someone already in good shape’.

There’s no way we can level that at the L6. If anything, we’ve read complaints from users that the machine was too tough for them on harder levels. For us, that’s a good thing. A machine should have the capability to be too tough at higher levels.

Besides, you can always adjust the program, or turn it off.

The Low-Impact Training

Proform HIIT Trainer - low impact Training
Proform HIIT Trainer is total-body workout thanks to multi-function handlebars and a unique 10” vertical stride

Exercising at maximum intensity usually comes at a cost – pressure on your joints and tendons. Whether it’s sprinting, jogging, or outdoor cycling, it used to be almost impossible to perform a strenuous workout without paying a price down the line.

The Proform HIIT trainer, however, is a welcomed remedy to this problem. Its smooth movement and comfortable design enormously reduce the pressure on users’ joints, allowing them to reap the machine’s benefits as much as they please.

The MP3 Connectivity

Proform HIIT Trainer - MP3 Connectivity

Training in silence gets boring. Luckily, the Proform HIIT trainer comes equipped with a built-in speaker system that allows users to pump out their favorite motivational songs as they train.

The music system ensures that there’s never a dull moment of training with the Proform HIIT trainer.

The Range of Preset Workouts

Proform HIIT Trainer - Preset Workouts
ProForm HIIT Trainer is a unique and highly effective exercise machine

Keeping track of your workouts can get challenging. With so much going on in our lives, it’s relieving to know that the Proform HIIT trainer takes care of this automatically.

The 32 preset workouts allow users to train and progress with confidence and convenience.

The Interactive Screen

Proform HIIT Trainer - interactive screen

Interactive screens are a must in today’s high-tech world, and the Proform HIIT trainer is a stellar example of this.

It’s 7” backlit screen is easy to see and use and will open up a whole range of features from heart-rate monitoring, calorie tracking, and workout selection.

The Proform HIIT trainer has a lot going for it. It is a fine example of a 21st-century fitness product, complete with mp3 connectivity and an interactive screen. Whilst we’re happy to wax lyrical about its strengths, we do have to acknowledge its shortcomings.

On The Downside: Things that could be better with the HIIT trainer

Less content on iFit for this type of machine

One thing to be wary of with this HIIT trainer is that it’s definitely not an elliptical. Some of the mechanics are the same but the resistance, style of workout, and overall feel, it’s just different.

That’s a problem as there’s far less content on iFit for it than say a treadmill or a standard elliptical. You can follow along with a regular elliptical session, but the resistance might be off compared to what other users will experience if they’re on a more traditional machine.

You’re also free to pick say a beach or other walking workout and follow along. The resistance on the lower intensity workouts will likely be sufficient to get a really good workout on the HIIT Trainer.

It’s Extremely Heavy

Think you can easily move this behemoth from one room to another?

Think again. The Proform HIIT trainer weighs a whopping 85kg, meaning it won’t move easily. If you’re a regular here, you’ll know we’re big fans of big things here on Home Gym Exerts and heavy generally means stability. That’s definitely the case here.

But the heft and size won’t be ideal for every home and you’re going to need a dedicated spot for this as there’s no folding or moving to other places with the L6 Trainer.

It’s Expensive

If you’re looking to kickstart your fitness journey on a budget, then this machine is not for you.

The Proform HIIT trainer currently retails at around $1,200 – making it a substantial investment. Whilst it’s far from being the most expensive cardio machine on the market, it will certainly burn a hole in your wallet.


If you’re looking for a simple, dependable – not to mention indoor – way to do your cardio sessions, this unique machine could be for you.

Its range of pre-prepared workouts, interactive screen, and music connectivity make this the ultimate modern fitness machine. It’s also an extremely smooth ride and will work your entire body, saving you time and effort in the long run.

Proform certainly knows what they’re doing when it comes to fitness hardware. Even without all its bells and whistles, it’s still a fantastic HIIT trainer that promises to test its users regardless of their prior fitness experience.

Final Verdict: Should You Buy a Proform HIIT Trainer?

If you’re serious about your HIIT training and have the money, then the Proform HIIT trainer’s sleek design makes for a stylish and modern solution.

It functions as your one-stop shop for all things cardio-related, helping you get into seriously good shape whilst entertaining you in the process.

However, those looking to exercise on a budget or build muscle mass should consider other, cheaper forms of resistance training to fulfill their fitness goals.

Overall, Proform has created a monster machine in the L6 that does a great job of delivering real cardio with a good bit of variation. (Moreso if you’re happy to use iFit).

It’s fun, hard, challenging all at the same time and is well-made enough to last many years.

HIIT Trainer FAQs

Does it work without iFit?

Yes. All Proform machines will work without the paid subscription service. There’s a competent 6″ display here and 32 programs you can use if you don’t want to continue with iFit after the first month.

Can you do HIIT without this machine?

You can! If your goal is to lose weight and get in shape, you can do that very well with any number of HIIT apps, classes or online videos.

Will the L6 help me lose weight?

This machine doesn’t do anything magic and it definitely won’t make you lose weight no matter how hard you work on it… unless you also work on your diet too. What this equipment will do is burn off energy and build up your fitness. The amount of energy you put into your body will also need to be worked on to really make a difference.

Proform HIIT Trainer Full Specs

ModelCardio HIIT Trainer
Display7" backlit screen display
Resistance type:Magnetic
Adjustable resistance?Yes
Resistance levels24
Heart rate sensorsYes
Tablet holderYes
Machine weight85kg
App compatible?Yes
Dimensions132 x 74 x 170 cm
Max user weight125 kg
Membership included?No
Transport wheelsYes
Bluetooth Enabled?Yes

References & Further Reading