Home Reviews Holdfiturn Walking Pad Review – Pretty In Pink

Holdfiturn Walking Pad Review – Pretty In Pink


What exactly is the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill?

At its core, the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill is designed for fitness enthusiasts who are short on space but high on motivation. It’s a sleek, compact machine that promises to deliver a solid walking or light jogging experience without taking up the room of a traditional treadmill. In today’s market, where space-saving solutions are more relevant than ever, this product aims to be a timely answer to our home workout prayers.

Benefits of using this walking pad

  1. Compact Design: Its smaller size makes it perfect for home use, easily fitting into limited spaces.
  2. Quiet Operation: Allows you to exercise without disturbing others, ideal for shared living spaces.
  3. Easy Setup: The straightforward setup process means you can start using it without any hassle.
  4. Sturdy Build: Provides stability and durability for regular use, ensuring a safe workout environment.
  5. Convenient for Working: Integrates well with a standing desk, offering a comfortable and efficient work-from-home solution.

First Impressions and Product Overview

When I first laid eyes on the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill, I was immediately struck by its sleek and modern design. The compact size was as advertised, and the build quality felt sturdy and robust, promising durability. The setup was refreshingly simple, allowing me to get up and walking in no time. Its primary function, to provide a convenient and unobtrusive walking experience, seemed well within reach.

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Features: Quick overview of what you’re getting

Compact Design: Ideal for small living spaces.
Quiet Operation: Exercise without noise concerns.
Easy Setup: Hassle-free start.
Sturdy Build: Ensures safety and longevity.
Convenient for Working: Pairs with standing desks.
Maximum Speed: 8 km/h for brisk walking.
Running Track Size: 122 cm length accommodates most users.
Max User Weight: 100 kg supports a wide range of individuals.
Treadmill Weight: Approximately 25 kg, indicating solid construction.
Battery Not Included: A minor inconvenience.
Handle Not Included: Missed opportunity for added stability.
Heavy: Stability comes with added weight.

It’s a real shame that the battery type wasn’t specified, and the absence of a handle was a bit of a letdown. These oversights detract slightly from an otherwise impressive feature set.

What we liked about the Holdfiturn Walking Pad

Compact Design

The compact design of the Holdfiturn Walking Pad is a game-changer for those of us with limited space. It’s easy to store away when not in use, making it perfect for small apartments or home offices. This feature alone makes it a highly attractive option for city dwellers.

Quiet Operation

The quiet operation of this treadmill is another standout feature. It’s so silent that I could take conference calls while walking without any background noise issues. This is particularly beneficial for those who work from home and need to stay active without causing disturbances.

Easy Setup

The straightforward setup process was a breath of fresh air. Within minutes of unboxing, I was up and walking. This ease of setup means you’re more likely to use it regularly, as there’s no fuss involved in getting started.

Sturdy Build

Despite its compact size, the treadmill doesn’t compromise on stability. The sturdy build gave me confidence during use, ensuring that the machine stayed in place even during brisk walks. This robust construction suggests the treadmill will withstand the test of time.

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What we were disappointed with

Battery Not Included

The lack of clarity regarding the required battery type was a minor yet avoidable annoyance. It’s an area where the company could improve by either including the battery or clearly specifying the type needed in the manual.

Handle Not Included

The absence of a handle, despite being advertised, was disappointing. A handle would not only aid in the treadmill’s portability but also provide an added layer of safety during use. It’s an oversight that should be addressed in future versions.


While the weight of the treadmill contributes to its stability, it does make moving it around a bit of a challenge for some. A lighter design or the inclusion of wheels could enhance its portability without compromising on stability.

Getting set up

One of the first hurdles with any home fitness equipment is the setup process. The Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill boasts an **easy setup**, a claim we were eager to put to the test. True to its promise, the process was straightforward, taking less time than anticipated to get up and running. However, it’s worth noting that some buyers reported confusion due to **missing components** and **vague instructions**. A tip to ease the setup? Double-check the package contents upon arrival and reach out to customer service promptly if anything seems amiss. This proactive approach can save you a headache later on.

Build quality and extras

The build quality of the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill is commendable. Its **sturdy construction** provides a stable platform for your daily walks or jogs, ensuring durability for regular use. However, other reviews have highlighted issues such as the **absence of a specified battery type** and a **missing handle**, which are points of concern. On the brighter side, the product comes with a **reliable warranty**, offering peace of mind regarding its longevity and performance.

Who is this product best suited to?

If you’re short on space…

For those living in compact apartments or with limited room for exercise equipment, the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill is a godsend. Its **compact design** allows for easy storage, making it an ideal choice for maintaining an active lifestyle without sacrificing valuable living space.

For the multitasking professional…

**Convenience for working** is another standout feature. This treadmill fits seamlessly under a standing desk, enabling you to stay active while tackling your to-do list. It’s a perfect solution for professionals looking to incorporate more movement into their workday.

The home fitness enthusiast…

With its **quiet operation** and **sturdy build**, this treadmill is also well-suited to home fitness enthusiasts looking for a reliable, everyday workout solution. Whether you’re starting your fitness journey or maintaining an established routine, it offers the versatility and performance you need.

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Who should avoid this

Despite its many benefits, the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill might not be the best fit for everyone. Individuals over the **100 kg weight limit** may need to look for a more robust option. Additionally, those seeking a high-intensity running experience may find the **maximum speed of 8 km/h** limiting. It’s also worth considering the **weight of the treadmill itself**; if you anticipate needing to move it frequently, its heft could pose a challenge.

Value for money

When it comes to value, the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill scores highly. Compared to other treadmills in its category, it offers a competitive price point without skimping on features like **easy setup**, **quiet operation**, and **compact design**. For those prioritising space-saving and convenience, it represents a worthwhile investment.

The verdict: Is the Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill worth a buy?

Yes, with some caveats. The Holdfiturn Under Desk Walking Pad Treadmill shines in areas of **ease of setup**, **quiet operation**, and **compactness**, making it an excellent choice for home offices, small living spaces, and general home fitness. However, potential buyers should weigh the issues related to **missing components** and **unclear instructions**. If you’re seeking a treadmill that supports light to moderate walking sessions without taking up much space, this could be the perfect fit. Just be prepared to possibly navigate some initial setup hurdles.

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Detailed Specs:

Maximum speed: 8 km/h
Running Track Size: 122 cm length
Max user weight: 100 kg
Treadmill weight: Estimated to be 25 kg
Compact Design: Yes
Quiet Operation: Yes
Easy Setup: Yes
Sturdy Build: Yes
Convenient for Working: Yes
Battery Not Included: Yes
Handle Not Included: Yes
Heavy: Yes
Incomplete Tools: Yes
Limited Instructions: Yes
Warranty: Reliable
Size and Portability: 8.7
Motor Power: 7.5
Noise level: 8.9